If you’re tired of using anti-aging products to no avail, or you’re frustrated by the slow march of skin toward your jawline, it might be time to consider undergoing a facelift procedure.  Yet making the decision to undergo this procedure might be the easy part – choosing which particular facelift type could prove to be more challenging.

Not all facelift procedures are created equal.  While there are different surgical methods for performing a facelift, there are generally two types of facelift procedures available: a full facelift and a mini-facelift.  Your particular facial aging will determine which procedure you’re a candidate for, as well as what results you can expect from your surgery.

So how do you know if you need a full facelift or a mini-facelift? Answer the following questions:

  • Where is your sagging most prominent? The type of facelift you might need can be determined by where your sagging is located.  If sagging is more prominent around the neck and jawline, a mini-facelift might be a more appropriate procedure.  This surgical treatment addresses sagging muscles and skin only in the lower part of the face. If your sagging is more obvious around your face, a full traditional facelift may be a better option.
  • Do you have sagging eyelids or stubborn frown lines? Sagging eyelids and frown lines can be addressed with a full facelift, which addresses muscles in both the lower part of the face (jawline) and the upper part of the face (forehead, brows). During a full facelift procedure, incisions are made along the hairline and behind the ears, which allows the plastic surgeon to access key facial muscles.  These muscles are pulled taut; additionally, excess skin is removed to help highlight results.
  • What are your expectations? Your expectations for the procedure may determine which facelift procedure is right or you.  You’ll discuss your expectations during your consultation at Awaken Aesthetics.

Both the full facelift and mini-facelift procedures are available at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA.  Call 310.791.2233 to schedule your consultation with board certified surgeons, specializing in plastic and cosmetic surgery of the face and body, Dr. Alex Liu & Dr. Eric Ahn, to learn if you’re a good candidate for either of these surgical procedures.