When it comes to looking your absolute best, you know that a healthy diet and regular exercise can make a huge difference. Yet if certain parts of your body aren’t responding to all of your hard work, you may need to call in some extra help to get the contoured results you’re looking for.

If you’ve been considering a liposuction procedure, you may be confused by all the options out there. From laser liposuction to traditional lipo, multiple procedures are all competing for your attention.

But which one is the right option for you?

Laser Lipo vs. Traditional Lipo

Just a decade ago, people who wanted to achieve a more contoured appearance had to settle for traditional liposuction – and some still do today. This surgical procedure uses a cannula to essentially “bash” away chunks of fat, which can cause significant bruising and swelling in the treatment area (not to mention unattractive surgical scars). Additionally, traditional liposuction can require a lengthy recovery process of four to eight weeks.

On top of these drawbacks, traditional liposuction can’t address a major aesthetic concern that’s left behind from fat removal: saggy skin. Liposuction is usually followed by a separate skin removal procedure, which can be even more costly and arduous than liposuction alone.

Enter SmartLipo Laser Lipo, an innovative FDA-approved liposuction treatment that addresses all of these concerns in one fell swoop. Laser liposuction only requires a tiny incision in the treatment area, where a thin cannula is placed. The cannula then transmits laser energy, which softly melts away the fat. Additionally, the heat from the laser energy kick-starts the production of collagen and elastin, which effectively tightens and tones the skin.

SmartLipo Laser Lipo is an excellent treatment option for patients who want to reduce fat in the following body areas:

  • Arms
  • Male breasts
  • Bra bulge
  • Saddlebags
  • Inner thighs
  • Knees
  • Love handles
  • Muffin top
  • Face
  • Abdomen

This treatment avoids the trauma caused by traditional liposuction; therefore, patients may only require a minimal amount of recovery time (one to two days vs. four to eight weeks).

SmartLipo Laser Lipo at Awaken Aesthetics

If you want to learn more about SmartLipo Laser Liposuction, call (310) 791-2233 to schedule your consultation with Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA today!  We also proudly serve the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas.