By now, you probably know that a PRP Facial is one of the best ways to rejuvenate and tone the skin – all by simply using your body’s own platelets. If you haven’t heard of the PRP Facial, then you’re in for a treat!

Here’s a quick recap: the PRP Facial combines the power of a micro-needling treatment with platelets to activate your skin’s growth factors. Micro-needling creates small wounds within the skin, which triggers the body’s healing processes (in other words, it kick-starts collagen production). After these microscopic channels are created, your platelets are added to a growth factor serum and injected back into the skin.

Torrance Prp with Microneeding

*Individual Results May Vary

About PRP Facial

With just a single treatment, clients can expect to see rejuvenated skin, with a noticeable improvement of the following signs of aging:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Signs of fatigue
  • Undereye bags
  • Loose skin
  • And more

PRP Facial Results

With so many great results from this procedure, it’s no wonder more patients ask: “When will I see results from a PRP Facial?”

If you’re looking for a quick fix for signs of aging, the PRP Facial might be your best option. Most patients see signs of improvement within 2 to 3 weeks after their procedure; what’s more, these results tend to last up to a year or more. That means if you’re getting ready to ring in 2018 with rejuvenated skin, the PRP Facial can help give you the jumpstart you’re looking for.

After the one-year mark, patients should expect to undergo another PRP Facial procedure to maintain their glow.

Dr. Ahn was pretty awesome. He was really nice and super patient with all my silly questions and comments during the procedure. Highly recommend!!!

Take the Next Step

Want to learn if you’re a good candidate for a PRP Facial?  Schedule your consultation today at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA to unlock the power of your body’s own platelets!