Eyebrow Lift

5 Tips for Recovering from an Eyebrow Lift

Are you interested in undergoing an eyebrow lift to correct sagging and wrinkles around your eyebrows?

If so, it’s safe to say you’re incredibly excited about your results. After all, an eyebrow lift can take years off of your appearance, plus help make you look more rejuvenated, alert, and well-rested.

But in order to achieve those results, it’s important to dedicate plenty of time and energy into having a successful eyebrow lift recovery.

So how exactly can you do that?

5 Tips to Have a Successful Eyebrow Lift Recovery

1. Attend all follow-up appointments.

During your first month of eyebrow lift recovery, your plastic surgeon will schedule a few follow-up appointments to check in on your progress. It’s absolutely important that you attend these appointments, as they’re critical to achieving your optimal results.

While every plastic surgeon is different, you should expect to encounter these follow-up appointments:

  • A session to remove your sutures or stitches from your incisions
  • An appointment to check in on your progress and provide approval for going back to work
  • Another appointment (usually one month after the surgery) to give the green light for going back to your normal gym routine.

2. Move when possible.

During the first week […]

By |June 11th, 2019|

How Can I Effectively Treat My Undereye Bags?

If you have undereye bags, it may feel like there’s nothing you can do to make yourself look refreshed and rejuvenated. Serums, creams, and even getting a full night’s sleep can do little against the bags that might make you look older than you actually are. Is there anything that will help you get rid of your undereye bags for good?

As it turns out, there are a lot of treatments that can accomplish this goal – and they’re all available at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA!


Whether you’re looking for a non-invasive treatment or a surgical procedure, here’s how Awaken Aesthetics can effectively treat your undereye bags:

  • Lower Blepharoplasty: This surgical procedure is an excellent approach to getting rid of moderate to severe undereye bags. The lower blepharoplasty procedure is performed by making small incisions along the lower eyelid. Once the incisions have been created, the plastic surgeon removes fat pads and rearranges muscles to create a smoother look. The surgery also removes excess skin that might exacerbate the appearance of undereye bags.
  • Facial Fat Grafting: Undereye bags can look worse if other facial areas are losing key volume. Facial fat […]
By |November 30th, 2017|

Do I Need an Eyebrow Lift or an Eyelid Lift

Are you getting enough sleep, but still feel as though you look tired and fatigued? Are you frustrated by the appearance of sagging skin around your eyes, and want a solution that’s going to help you look more refreshed and rejuvenated?

Then you might be an excellent candidate for an Eyebrow and/or an Eyelid Lift. Both procedures are aimed at correcting sagging skin that comes with the aging process. Both procedures have helped patients look more well-rested and refreshed, as well as turned back the clock on their appearance.

But when it comes down to it, which procedure is right for you – an Eyelid and/or an Eyebrow Lift?


Let’s take a look at the differences between the two procedures, as well as how to tell which one you might be a candidate for:

Eyebrow Lift: An Eyebrow Lift is a surgical procedure that’s meant to subtly lift drooping eyebrows. Many patients notice eyebrow drooping once it becomes difficult to apply eyeshadow, as eyelid skin disappears behind the sagging skin. An Eyebrow Lift gently pulls sagging eyebrow naturally taut, which helps correct sagging around the eyes while addressing unconscious forehead use and therefore forehead wrinkles. The goal is to restore the normal position of the eyebrow, not overly […]

By |October 2nd, 2017|

What Type of Brow Lifts Does Awaken Aesthetics Perform?

Let’s face it – no matter how much sleep you get or how often you moisturize, you’re still frustrated by the appearance of your forehead, upper eyelids, and even your eyebrows.  You want a better solution for drooping eyelids and furrowed brows – plus, you wouldn’t mind looking a few years younger!

If this sounds like you, then it may be time to discover a range of brow lifts now available at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA.  A brow lift is a surgical procedure that can be performed to correct the following cosmetic issues:

  • Sagging eyebrows
  • Deep forehead creases
  • Stubborn frown lines
  • Excess skin around the upper eyelid
  • Fatty tissue around the upper eyelid

The bottom line here is that if your brow line makes it difficult for you to display normal facial expressions, you may be a good candidate for any of the following brow lift options at Awaken Aesthetics:

  • Endoscopic brow lift: This surgery is the least invasive out of all the options, as it’s performed with lighted telescopes passed through tiny incisions along the hairline. The telescopes are used to reposition the brows for a younger, more natural-looking appearance.
  • Petrichial brow lift: For clients who have a hairline that is positioned further back, the […]
By |May 4th, 2017|
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