How Can I Get Rid of Under-eye Bags?

Do you feel as though your undereye bags are preventing you from looking as young and energetic as you feel?

Undereye bags can definitely communicate to the world that we’re feeling tired, fatigued, and overwhelmed – even when we’re feeling the exact opposite or we’ve achieved plenty of sleep. While undereye bags can be exasperated by lack of sleep, the truth is that these pesky cosmetic issues are often caused by aging, especially when facial fat begins to break down.

So that probably leaves you with this all-important question: “How can I get rid of undereye bags?” Click to view more patient results!

Lower Blepharoplasty for Undereye Bags

In order to learn the difference between Ultherapy and other laser treatments, let’s take a look at what the Ultherapy procedure entails in the first place.

Ultherapy is a skin-tightening treatment that uses laser heat energy to trigger collagen production levels within the dermis. The long-term collagen production helps to keep skin looking smoother and younger. Additionally, Ultherapy helps create an almost-instant skin-tightening effect, which minimizes the appearance of wrinkles while shrinking the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Ultherapy is an excellent […]