Female Pattern Baldness

Hormones, genes, inheritance and aging are four of the causes of female pattern baldness. A poor diet and stress can also contribute to the condition. Female pattern baldness is usually not indicative of an underlying medical condition, but can be in some cases. Unless treated, is usually permanent. Some women report that the condition adversely affects their self esteem.

On average, a single hair grows from its follicle about ½ inch each month. The same hair will remain in the scalp and experience growth for from 2 to 6 years. Then growth stops and a resting period takes place. Upon completion of the resting period, the hair falls out.

Baldness takes place when the hair that falls out is not replaced by a new hair growing in its place. Female pattern baldness occurs when the thinning of hair takes place primarily on the crown and top of the scalp. The baldness is usually first noticed when a center part begins to widen. Unlike male pattern baldness, the female manifestation of the condition rarely leads to complete baldness.



One recommended treatment for female pattern baldness is the application of a 2% solution of minoxidil directly to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Some regrowth can occur after two months. However, if the medication is discontinued, the hair will fall out.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery Torrance offers many choices for female hair transplantation.

There are two primary methods used in hair transplantation procedures:

The Strip Method

The strip method of female hair transplantation involves the removal of a sliver of skin from the back of the scalp. Individual grafts are sliced from the strip and used for hair replacement. The strip is then closed with small sutures or staples to leave barely any scar.

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Method

The Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE method of hair transplantation involves the extraction of individual follicular units from an area of the patient’s head called, “the donor area.” The procedure extracts from one to four hairs with the follicles left in place so the hair can regrow from where it was taken. The extracted hair is then placed into the thinning areas where it can begin its own growth process.  This method is typically scar-free and is even more effective with the use of newer technology such as the Smartgraft.


Women who are experiencing the symptoms of female pattern baldness are encouraged to consult with Dr. Eric S Ahn who can help direct them to the possible causes and treatments for specific cases.

Schedule a Consultation Today

No matter what hair corrections you’re looking for, you’ll find them at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA. Schedule a consultation with board-certified surgeons specializing in surgical and non-surgical hair restoration at Awaken Aesthetics today!

Awaken Aesthetics is a plastic surgery practice and medical spa that serves the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Call 310-791-2233 to learn more!