
What Does CoolSculpting® Do?

Each body stores fat in different places, but almost all of us have a few areas that resist all efforts to shape and tone them. CoolSculpting® is a tool to help you target those problem spots and achieve a more contoured figure. This non-surgical fat removal lets almost anyone sculpt their most challenging areas. 

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment used to address pockets of stubborn fat. This treatment is FDA-cleared and has been shown to remove up to 29% of fat from the treated area. CoolSculpting® is an in-office treatment that typically takes an hour or less, making it convenient for the busiest schedules.

What Does CoolSculpting® Do?

CoolSculpting® works by lowering the temperature of fat cells until they freeze. This process, which permanently damages these fat cells, is called cryolipolysis. The temperatures used by CoolSculpting® do not harm the skin or other tissues, resulting in a treatment that specifically targets problem fat. 

Fat cells damaged by CoolSculpting® are removed by the body’s lymphatic system. They will be removed from the area and eliminated from the body. Many […]

By |December 15th, 2023|

What Areas Can Be Treated with CoolSculpting®?

Are you struggling to reach the sculpted figure you’ve worked so hard for? Fortunately, Awaken Aesthetics offers CoolSculpting® treatments that target and eliminate the stubborn areas of fat that persist even after countless months of exercise and dieting. 

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is a great way to target specific areas of fat on different parts of the body to give you a contoured physique. This FDA-cleared body contouring technology freezes the stubborn fat cells in the treatment area, which then crystalize and are naturally eliminated from the body over time. 

What Parts of the Body Can CoolSculpting® Treat?

The great thing about CoolSculpting® is that it can treat several areas of the body:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Under the chin
  • Under the Jawline
  • Back fat
  • Bra fat
  • Underneath the buttocks (banana roll)
  • Flanks (love handles)

What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting®?

In addition to reducing stubborn fat, CoolSculpting® offers several more benefits. For […]

By |September 10th, 2022|

How Long Does CoolSculpting® Last?

Even after many months dedicated to weight loss and diet-managed body contouring, fat may persist in some stubborn areas. At Awaken Aesthetics, CoolSculpting® removes stubborn fat cells that do not respond to dieting and exercise regimens for a fitter, brighter you. 

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is an FDA-approved body contouring treatment using cryolipolysis to freeze away fat cells. Fat cells freeze before other cells. CoolSculpting® takes advantage of this by targeting fat cells to damage the cells without harming the skin. The fat cells crystallize, and the body filters them away. 

How Long Will CoolSculpting® Last?

The results of CoolSculpting® can be permanent. You are born with a limited number of fat cells, which means the destroyed fat cells do not return. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and have no significant weight changes, you should keep your results indefinitely. 

If you gain weight, the remaining fat cells may expand, which will cause the bulges in the treated areas to return. 

Results of CoolSculpting®

The results of CoolSculpting® body contouring treatments may take a few months to appear as the body filters out the damaged fat cells. Depending on […]

By |June 25th, 2022|

How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

Even people who lead a healthy lifestyle find themselves with stubborn areas of fat that refuse to go away. CoolSculpting® can help you achieve a more sculpted figure. This non-surgical body contouring tool enables you to achieve your goals without scars or uncomfortable recovery time. 

What is CoolSculpting®?

If you need a boost to get rid of fat in those especially stubborn areas, CoolSculpting® offers an excellent, non-invasive option. Many people see their desired results in just one treatment, unlike other fat removal methods that can require multiple sessions. The body removes damaged fat cells, leaving the area slimmer and more contoured. You can even have more than one area treated during the same session to achieve the results you want quickly. 

*Individual Results May Vary

How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

CoolSculpting® takes advantage of the fact that fat cells freeze before other types of cells. It uses cryolipolysis, lowering the temperature enough to damage fat cells without harming your skin. Fat cells start to crystallize, causing damage that breaks apart the cells and allows the body to filter them away. This […]

By |April 26th, 2022|

How Much Does CoolSculpting® Cost?

Are you eating right and working out, but not seeing the results you’ve been looking for?

If you’re still having trouble fitting into your favorite pair of jeans, then it might be time to check out CoolSculpting®. This popular body contouring treatment is FDA-approved for fat reduction in common treatment areas like the abdomen, waistline, thighs, upper arms, and more.

Best of all, CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical solution, so there’s no need for extensive downtime or recovery.

Interested, but want to see how much you should budget? Let’s take a closer look at how much CoolSculpting® costs.

*Individual Results May Vary

How Much Does CoolSculpting® Cost?

According to CoolSculpting®.com’s FAQs, most patients can expect an entire treatment plan to cost anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000. The treatment plan should include a set number of sessions; this number will be determined by how many treatments you need to see your ideal results.

So what’s the deal with the wide range? 

What Factors Affect My CoolSculpting® Costs?

Many factors can affect your specific CoolSculpting® costs – that’s why there’s […]

By |June 5th, 2021|

What is CoolTone®?

If you’re a fan of CoolSculpting®, then it’s time to learn about its sister treatment: CoolTone®.

Learn more about this exciting procedure, which aims to combine the benefits of CoolSculpting® with an innovative treatment that procedures leaner, longer muscles!

*Individual Results May Vary

What is CoolTone®?

CoolTone® is an FDA-cleared body contouring treatment that achieves leaner, tighter-looking muscles thanks to the power of Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS). 

Created by Allergen – the makers of CoolSculpting® – CoolTone® can make it possible for you to get the leaner, more contoured body you’ve been working so hard to achieve with a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle.

CoolTone® is a great choice for candidates who already have healthy habits and are within 15-30 pounds of their ideal weight. 

What to Expect from CoolTone® Results

CoolTone® results can include leaner, firmer, and stronger-looking muscles, especially around popular treatment areas like the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, and more.

It usually takes about four CoolTone® treatments for clients to see their best results. You should start seeing your results about four to six weeks after each CoolTone® treatment.

By |May 10th, 2021|
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