If your non-surgical treatments no longer provide the results you want, it may be time to consider facelift surgery. This procedure rejuvenates your features by lifting your skin and underlying structures for a naturally youthful look. If you have already chosen to have a facelift or just like to know what to expect, your Awaken Aesthetics team has some preparation tips to help you get ready.

Facelift Torrance

What is Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)?

Rhytidectomy or facelift surgery restores a more youthful appearance by tightening the skin, muscles, and underlying connective structures for natural-looking results. A facelift addresses concerns such as sagging jowls, deep wrinkles around the nose and mouth, and loss of definition. Many people combine their facelift with a neck lift to achieve their desired results. 

Preparation Tips for Facelift Surgery

If you are planning facelift surgery, you should consider what you will feel like after the procedure and try to make things as easy as possible for yourself beforehand. While most people feel much better after the first few days, these tips will help you focus on relaxing and healing. 

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, you will heal more slowly and are at higher risk of complications after surgery. Facelift candidates must quit smoking before their procedure and should not resume afterward. 

Adjust Your Medications

Your team will review your supplements and medications and may recommend that you stop or change some of them. Medications such as NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen) can increase the risk of bleeding. 

Maintain Your Health

No one wants to cancel their facelift procedure, but you may not be able to have surgery if you are ill. Avoid exposure to anyone who has symptoms of respiratory or other illnesses.

Facelift Consultations Available

Meal Prep

Your team will provide you with instructions on what to eat after surgery. Stock up on nutritious foods you will enjoy and prepare them ahead of time so you can stay well nourished for the healing process. 

Clothing Choices

Clothing that feels comfortable and zips or buttons up the front is ideal for the days after your facelift surgery. Have some shirts you do not have to pull over your head to put on. 

Take Time Off

Schedule your time off from work well before your procedure. Assume that you will need the full recovery time recommended by your surgeon since you can always return sooner if you feel up to it. 

What is Recovery Like After a Facelift?

You can expect some bruising, swelling, and soreness after your rhytidectomy. Most people can return to low-activity jobs after a week. Bruising and swelling will look much better after a few weeks, but swelling can take a few months to resolve completely. Your surgeon will monitor your recovery and tell you when you can resume more strenuous activities.

This place is absolutely amazing. Michelle and Faith are both friendly and informative. I will definitely be back.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about what you can expect from facelift surgery? Schedule a consultation at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA, to learn more by calling (310) 791-2233