An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can substantially improve the appearance of the eyelids, giving them a more youthful appearance.  The surgery can be performed on either the lower or upper lids, or both.

Whether one wishes to improve the heaviness of their eyelid region, or the eyelids are not functioning properly, an eyelid lift can rejuvenate the areas around the eyes.

Eyelid surgery can treat:

  • Sagging or loose skin that disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid. (This can sometimes impair vision)
  • Unwanted deposits of fat that cause puffiness in the eyelids
  • Droopy bags under the eyes
  • Lower eyelids that show white below the iris
  • Too much skin and/or fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid area


The Best Candidates for Blepharoplasty

The best candidates for eyelid surgery include:

  • Individuals who do not have a serious illness or any type of medical conditions that can stand in the way of healing
  • Individuals with specific goals in mind for eyelid surgery
  • People who have positive outlooks as this influences overall health and healing
  • Those who do not have serious eye conditions
  • Those who are seeking a plastic surgeon in Torrance

One should keep in mind that the eyelids are a facial feature.  When the forehead skin and eyebrows droop, so may the eyelids.  There are instances when stretching of one of the levator muscles, or upper eyelid muscles causes a drooping eyelid.

Prior to surgery, a plastic surgeon should evaluate his or her patient’s anatomy thoroughly to determine what has caused the specific appearance of one’s eyelids, and decide which procedures are the best to remedy the condition.   Eyelid surgery can correct specific problems permanently. However, patients will continue to age normally.   Proper sun protection can help to maintain surgery results.

Satisfaction with one’s new post-operative image should continue to grow as he or she recovers from surgery.  As the bruising and swelling subside, the results of the blepharoplasty will reveal a better-defined, smoother eyelid and with a more alert appearance.

There is no guarantee that the results will be exactly as the patient expects them to be. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with one surgical procedure.  In these cases, another surgery may be necessary.

Following the physician’s instructions is important to the success of one’s surgery.  It is crucial that the incisions not be subjected to any type of abrasion, excessive force or motion while healing, or the toxic effects of smoking.

The doctor will instruct his or her patients on the topic of aftercare.