Are you confident that the secret to a truly youthful appearance lies in eliminating wrinkles and fine lines?

You might want to guess again: while eliminating wrinkles and fine lines is important for shedding years off your appearance, you should also focus on addressing aging issues associated with facial fat loss. As the body gets older, it begins breaking down crucial fat pads located around the eyes and cheeks. As a result, key facial volume is lost, making wrinkles much more pronounced.

This volume loss is precisely why facial fat grafting has quickly become a popular procedure. Facial fat grafting uses a patient’s own fat to achieve a more youthful appearance; this fat is harvested from other areas of the body, cleaned, and injected into key areas of the face. The procedure has a high success rate, as there’s virtually no risk of the body rejecting your fat. Recovery time is minimal, with most patients able to return back to work within a few days.

One of the many benefits of facial fat grafting is that it allows your surgeon to carefully control what contours are being added. Unlike with implants, a surgeon can carefully inject a controlled amount of fat to the facial area, thus improving the likelihood that the patient will achieve his or her desired results.

Facial fat grafting is best performed in the mid-facial region; it’s usually not recommended for areas where the skin is thinner, like around the eyes. Many surgeons prefer to combine fat grafting with other facial surgeries, like a facelift, in order to obtain optimal results.

Facial fat grafting may be an excellent treatment option for you if you want to minimize aging associated with volume loss. To see if you’re a candidate, schedule a facial fat grafting consultation with Board-Certified Surgeons Dr. Eric Ahn at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA today! Call us at (301) 791-2233.