Do you want to restore some of that lost volume and plump up your skin? Dermal fillers are a great way to restore some of your youth by smoothing out your skin and rejuvenating important components that slowly disappear as people age. But how long does a dermal filler last?

Dermal Fillers Torrance

*Individual Results May Vary

Types of Dermal Fillers and Their Lifespan

  1. Juvederm®

Lasting between 6 to 9 months, Juvederm® softens moderate to severe facial wrinkles, especially around the nose and mouth, making you look younger. Derived from hyaluronic acid, naturally found in the body, Juvederm® smooths creases around the mouth and marionette lines and enhances the shape of the lip. This dermal filler appointment only takes 15-45 minutes, depending on the areas treated. 

     2. Restylane®

Lasting between 6 to 18 months, Restylane® fills in marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and lips, smooths acne scars, and smooths out deep facial creases. Also, the hyaluronic acid helps hold in moisture and keeps the skin supple. Restylane® also acts as a trigger for the body’s collagen production, making firmer skin over time. This dermal filler appointment lasts around 30 minutes. 

     3. Sculptra®

Lasting up to 2 years, Sculptra® is one of the longest-lasting dermal fillers provided by Awaken Aesthetics. Sculptra is FDA approved and uses poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to restore volume and revive collagen production. This treatment is best if you’ve noticed a loss in facial volume in the midfacial region and around the mouth. This dermal filler appointment takes 60 minutes. 

Dermal Fillers Consultations Available

Dermal Filler Recovery

Dermal fillers are not long appointments and require minimal downtime. Following the injection, avoid exercise and remain upright for the remainder of the day. Dr. Eric S. Ahn and Dr. Alex Liu, board-certified ophthalmologists, suggest avoiding placing more than mild pressure on treated areas for 48 hours following the procedure. The results from your treatment will be immediate but may take about two weeks for the full effect.

Who Is a Candidate For a Dermal Filler?

Anyone who has noticed a decline in their facial volume or wants to smooth out some of their wrinkle lines is a fantastic candidate for dermal fillers. This treatment is reversible and non-permanent, allowing you to work with what is best for you. If you are young and don’t need to smooth out wrinkles, dermal fillers are a great way to enhance your natural beauty and subtly restore specific areas of your face. Dermal fillers are a fantastic way to highlight your favorite features. 

Dr. Ahn was pretty awesome. He was really nice and super patient with all my silly questions and comments during the procedure. Highly recommend!!!

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Awaken Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly.

You can also call our Torrance, CA office directly to schedule: (866) 519-2415. Awaken Aesthetics serves the metro Los Angeles region.