The Advantages of Pro-Nox™ for Aesthetic Treatments

We understand that each individual has a unique pain tolerance and experiences discomfort in different ways. We strive to offer as many methods as possible to customize your comfort, so you have a positive experience with as little sedation as possible. Pro-Nox™ is a gas that you inhale as you need it to help you relax and prevent you from feeling pain during procedures.

What is Pro-Nox™ (Nitrous Oxide)?

While you may not have heard of Pro-Nox™ before, you may have heard of nitrous oxide. Dentists use this inhalable gas to keep patients comfortable during dental procedures such as wisdom tooth removal. The gas you inhale is 50% nitrous oxide and 50% nitrous oxide, an FDA-cleared balance that ensures analgesia (pain relief) without putting you to sleep. 

The Advantages of Pro-Nox™ for Aesthetic Treatments

When discussing analgesia before your procedure, your Awaken Aesthetics provider will make you aware of all your options and help you choose the best one for you. The ideal method for you depends on your pain tolerance, level of anxiety, and personal preference. People choose […]