For people with moderate to severe signs of aging, facial creams and serums just aren’t enough to counteract loose skin, wrinkles, and volume loss. That’s why surgical treatments – like a neck lift and a face lift – are more effective for significant aging symptoms. These procedures tackle signs of aging at a deep structural level, leading to highly visible results that can last for longer than 10 years.

But what exactly is the difference between a face lift and a neck lift? And how do you know which one is right for you?

Facelift Vs Neck Lift

All About the Face Lift

The facelift is a surgical procedure that’s ideal for patients who have significant facial sagging. During the facelift procedure, your plastic surgeon will make incisions behind the ears and around the hairline to access facial muscles. These muscles are pulled taut, and excess skin is trimmed away to help highlight these new contours.

You’re likely a good candidate for a face lift if you have significant facial sagging, as well as deep lines and wrinkles. To see how you’d appear after a facelift, place your hands alongside your mid-facial region and pull the skin back.

Neck Lift 101

For many patients, a neck lift may be more effective at minimizing signs of aging than a facelift. A neck lift is a procedure that is used to repair sagging skin along the jawline and neck. During this surgery, your plastic surgeon will make incisions under the jawline in order to pull slack muscles taut. Like with a face lift, your plastic surgeon will remove any excess skin from the neck region.

If the majority of your facial sagging and wrinkles is around your jawline and neck, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift procedure.

If you’re interested in learning more about face lifts and neck lifts – as well as which procedure is right for you – schedule a consultation at Awaken Aesthetics in Torrance, CA to learn more. (310) 791-2233