Neck Lift

How Long Does a Neck Lift Last?

Excess fat or skin under the neck can result in an aged and dropping appearance. If you struggle with neck sagging, wrinkles, or folds and want a lifted and rejuvenated appearance, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift.

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a procedure that can rejuvenate and tighten the neck, giving you a more youthful appearance. A neck lift procedure accomplishes this by removing excess fatty deposits and excess or loose skin under the chin. During the treatment, your practitioner will also readjust muscles that may have sagged with age. The result is a firmer, more contoured, and youthful-looking neck. 

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*Individual Results May Vary

How Long Does a Neck Lift Last?

A neck lift is an excellent choice for neck rejuvenation because the results are long-lasting. The results of a neck lift can last about 10 years, though may vary from person to person. Over time, your neck will still age and lose elasticity, though you may notice that the sagging is not as prominent as before. To help prolong […]

By |December 20th, 2022|

How Much Does Sofwave Cost?

Are you noticing sagging around your neck or forehead lines becoming more pronounced? As we age, our skin slowly loses its elasticity and youthful appearance. Facelifts are invasive, and many treatments require significant downtime. Sofwave at Awaken Aesthetics provides long-term improvement to your skin with no downtime. View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

What is Sofwave?

Sofwave is the latest in ultrasound skin rejuvenation technology. With only one treatment for smoother, younger-looking skin, Sofwave has quickly become a popular non-invasive treatment for loose skin, lines, wrinkles, and sagging on the face and neck. Sofwave is FDA-cleared for use on the eyebrows, face, neck, and under the chin. 

How Does Sofwave Work?

Sofwave uses ultrasound energy to boost collagen production in the skin. The ultrasound beam penetrates exactly 1.5 mm into the skin. The unnoticeable damage to the dermis prompts collagen production for plumper, smoother skin. 

Using Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology, Sofwave simultaneously heats the deeper layers of the dermis while the SofCool™ protects the outer layers. In one 45-minute appointment, patients have reported significant improvement in skin laxity and comments on […]

By |July 25th, 2022|

How Much is a Neck Lift?

Let’s face it: You’ve been curious about neck lift surgery for awhile now.

Whether you want to treat sagging skin around your jawline or you want to get rid of neck bands and wrinkles for good, neck lift surgery could be the right solution for you.

But there’s just one thing holding you back from experiencing the life-changing results of neck lift surgery for yourself: not knowing how much it may cost.

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the answer to this popular question: “How much is a neck lift?” View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

Average Cost of Neck Lift Surgery

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of neck lift surgery is $5,110. This average cost was derived from 2019 data, which means current average costs may be slightly higher than what is quoted here.

Due to the elective nature of this surgery, most health insurance providers do not cover the costs of neck lift surgery.

What Factors May Affect Neck Lift Costs?

There are additional factors that could affect the final […]

By |May 27th, 2021|

What is the Difference Between a Neck Lift and a Facelift?

There are plenty of cosmetic procedures out there that can help transform your appearance, especially if you feel self-conscious about neck or face wrinkles.

But with so much choice out there, it can be difficult to determine the differences between the two. So when it comes down to a neck lift and a facelift – two incredibly popular anti-aging treatments – what’s the difference between the two? View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

All About the Neck Lift

The neck lift is a surgical procedure that addresses signs of aging along the neck, especially:

  • Sagging neck skin
  • Wrinkles and folds
  • Jowls/turkey neck

During the neck lift procedure, your plastic surgeon will make small incisions directly underneath the chin or behind the ears. These incisions allow your surgeon to access and readjust sagging muscles.

Once these muscles are in their new position, your surgeon will trim away excess skin. The end result is a smoother, firmer, and more lifted neck appearance.

Neck Lift & Facelift Consultations Available

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What’s in a Facelift?

A facelift is a […]

By |February 20th, 2021|

Can You Get a Neck Lift and a Facelift at the Same Time?

When it comes to aging symptoms, sometimes our faces and necks can be the biggest giveaways that we’re getting older. That’s why plenty of patients want to know: “Is there a way I can treat facial aging and neck aging at the same time?”

The answer is yes – with a combined neck lift and facelift. These two surgeries can treat drooping muscles that can be the underlying cause of sagging skin. By correcting and repositioning the muscles, a neck lift and a facelift can tighten and tone skin, while minimizing the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

What Are the Benefits of Getting a Neck Lift and a Facelift at the Same Time?

There are plenty of benefits to combining both a neck lift and a facelift, including:

  • Enhanced, more natural-looking results. Rather than just minimizing aging in one area and leaving the other untreated, a combined neck lift and facelift can treat aging symptoms at the same time, thus creating more natural and symmetrical results.
  • Undergo a single […]
By |May 27th, 2020|

8 Tips for Recovering from a Neck Lift

Interested in neck lift surgery, but not sure what to expect from your recovery?

We’ve got you. Here are eight neck lift recovery tips that can help you enjoy your results faster. View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

8 Neck Lift Recovery Tips You Need to Know

1. Follow your plastic surgeon’s pre-surgery plan.

Before you even engage in your neck lift recovery process, your plastic surgeon will provide you with a post-op recovery plan about one week before your surgery. This plan will include tips to have a successful recovery, as well as a schedule of follow-up appointments you should attend after your procedure.

2. Enlist help during your first few days after surgery.

Thanks to the aftereffects of general anesthesia, you’ll be pretty groggy after your neck lift surgery. Have a trusted friend or family member drive you home after your procedure. If you live alone, schedule people to come in and check on you to make sure you’re okay during the first 48 hours of recovery.

3. Prep meals and entertainment for your recovery.

It’s worth preparing a few days’ worth of meals and entertainment, as you’ll be limited to your couch or bed during the […]

By |December 22nd, 2019|

How Much Does a Male Neck Lift Cost?

Aging concerns aren’t just for women; in fact, more men than ever are discovering that popular surgeries – like a neck lift – can help them look younger, more rejuvenated, and ready to take on whatever the day may bring.

You definitely count yourself as among the growing population of men interested in surgery. But when it comes to the male neck lift, how much will it impact your wallet? Exactly how much does a male neck lift cost?

Average Cost of a Male Neck Lift

Good news: The cost of a male neck lift is identical to the cost of a neck lift performed on a woman. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a neck lift in 2018 was $5,242.

It’s important to note that this figure does not include additional fees like surgical center costs, anesthesia, and prescription medications. The final cost of your male neck lift surgery may also be influenced by the city you live in, as well as the experience of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure.

The best way to […]

By |August 24th, 2019|

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?

Are you interested in undergoing neck lift surgery to correct sagging neck muscles and skin – but not sure how much it could cost you?

Wonder no more: We’ve broken down the average neck lift cost, including what to expect from your consultation. View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a neck lift in 2018 was $5,242. This cost did not include fees associated with surgical centers, prescription medications, or anesthesia.

Neck lift costs can vary based on location and the plastic surgeon’s experience levels, so you may find that your total cost is higher or lower than the national average.

What to Expect from Your Neck Lift Consultation

One of the best ways to find out how much your specific neck lift will cost is to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. Think of this session as your chance to interview your plastic surgeon, ask questions about the procedure, and get a general vibe […]

By |May 18th, 2019|

Neck Lift vs. Kybella: What’s Right for Me?

Good news: There are a lot of treatments out there designed to help you get a slimmer and more youthful-looking neck.

Bad news: It’s sometimes hard to know which one to choose for your specific needs.

That’s why we’ve broken down two of the most popular neck treatments (neck lift vs. Kybella), including how they work and the best candidates for each procedure. View More Patient Results

*Individual Results May Vary

Kybella for a Double Chin

If you have a persistent double chin despite eating right and exercising, Kybella could be the best option for you.

Here’s how it works: Kybella is a new FDA-approved injection that contains deoxycholic acid. Once injected into the submental tissue (which is located underneath the chin), this main ingredient gets to work dissolving away stubborn fat cells. Over time, the cells are flushed from the body via natural waste removal processes, leaving behind a more contoured and slimmer-looking jawline.

Kybella is the best option for you if you’re more concerned about excess jawline fat, rather than sagging skin. The best candidates have excellent […]

By |April 10th, 2019|

What’s the Difference Between a Face Lift and a Neck Lift?

For people with moderate to severe signs of aging, facial creams and serums just aren’t enough to counteract loose skin, wrinkles, and volume loss. That’s why surgical treatments – like a neck lift and a face lift – are more effective for significant aging symptoms. These procedures tackle signs of aging at a deep structural level, leading to highly visible results that can last for longer than 10 years.

But what exactly is the difference between a face lift and a neck lift? And how do you know which one is right for you?

All About the Face Lift

The facelift is a surgical procedure that’s ideal for patients who have significant facial sagging. During the facelift procedure, your plastic surgeon will make incisions behind the ears and around the hairline to access facial muscles. These muscles are pulled taut, and excess skin is trimmed away to help highlight these new contours.

You’re likely a good candidate for a face lift if you have significant facial sagging, as well as deep lines and wrinkles. To see how you’d appear after a facelift, place your […]

By |February 28th, 2018|

Am I a Good Candidate For a Neck Lift?

A neck lift, although often combined with a facelift or rhytidectomy, can sometimes be performed alone in appropriate patient. A neck lift is an excellent solution for women and men who may be frustrated at sagging or excessive wrinkling along the neck.  The best candidates also may be concerned that their aging neck no longer matches their youthful-looking faces.

It’s no surprise that many people undergo a neck lift when they’re still pleased with their facial appearance.  The neck experiences a lot more of the repetitive movements that can lead to wrinkles and stubborn lines.  One popular example of this in action is the recent phenomenon of “text neck.”  As many of us tend to spend a great deal of time on our phones, we’re constantly craning our necks to look at our smartphones.  As a result of this repetitive action, many people are starting to see new wrinkles and lines pop up.

If you’re otherwise happy with your facial appearance (i.e. not ready for a facelift), a neck lift may be the best treatment if your concern is mainly with sagging skin underneath your chin and neck.

What are some other signs that you’re a good candidate for a neck lift?  Take a look:

  • You’re […]
By |June 9th, 2017|
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